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Interview Skills

Interviews are a great deciding force in a Career or Interpersonal Relationships. They are all about first impressions which rests partly on the presentation of your portfolio or resume,  as well as presentation of your self ie., the way you use language skills, modulate your voice, your facial expression, gestures, how you are dressed and above…

Confined To A Genre 📚

Being confined to a genre is more common than the reading fraternity would like to admit. My personal favorites were Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie with classics like ‘Pride and Prejidice’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ thrown in once in a while for good measure. For decades I couldn’t pick up anything contemporary, regional or anything other than…

Living In The Present

The best way to live is to live in the ‘Present Moment’. Anyways do you have a choice? Everyone lives in the Present because there is no other away. What living in the Present moment then means is that you consciously and ‘awarefully’ live in that moment. Most of the people have their Present all…