
This blog is my space in the Universe. I can do whatever I want with it. The question is why would anybody read my blog? Why do I believe that I have something valuable to offer to the strangers that visit my Blog. Am I super successful that I can offer them strategies to succeed? Am I in absolute peace with myself that I can preach them to be at peace with themselves? Am I self-disciplined, Divinely Spiritual, truly Religious, worldly wise and virtuous that others can observe and absorb all this from me? Or am I an ideal daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, friend, colleague or companion that I can teach them a thing or two? Well, I am none of the above and yet here I am breathing through my Blog. Every word that I breathe out will breathe into you. This organic osmosis is a great responsibility. I honor the space I am given and will use it as my own. I will share the space to share the slices of wisdom I have gathered, over the decades I have left behind. Some slices will be sweet, some sour and some spicy, some will sieve into you like soup, some will stir your soul, some may stay with you and from some you may walk away. I welcome you to ‘The Whisperings of my Soul’.