blog,blogger, blogging, job interview, inter skills,body language, communication skills, language skills, interviewer,interview questions and answers

Interview Skills

Interviews are a great deciding force in a Career or Interpersonal Relationships.

They are all about first impressions which rests partly on the presentation of your portfolio or resume,  as well as presentation of your self ie., the way you use language skills, modulate your voice, your facial expression, gestures, how you are dressed and above all your Vibes, the aforementioned play a discreet role in creating your vibes.

They play a part in deciding about your personality and conduct without actually having given you a chance to prove any of these qualities.

Some of these things appear      insubstantial but play a very substantial role in your favor.

It is clear now that your personality is just as important as your knowledge and education because Interviews are not just a question and answer round.

They are also not tricky sessions to trick you into submission. The interviewer is not your enemy.

Interview is a search for a person who is level headed, balanced, dependable, trainable and responsible. Someone who will be enthusiastic about making new self discoveries on the job rather than being rigid and confined in his ways.

If you come across as a sincere person with integrity you will interest the interviewer.  How does the interviewer come to the conclusion about you because probably most of the resumes are actually very similar that’s where your personality gives you that extra edge.

The interviewer is not only consciously but also subconsciously absorbing a lot about you as a person. With all the visual, audio and written aid you provide, he is not only studying you but also studying your silence. Every information you provide helps him to turn you into a multi dimensional individual.

Remember job interview is like opening the company’s or organization’s door to a stranger, just as we are careful about opening the doors of our homes for others similarly companies are vigilant too.  Understandably nobody would like a person who cannot deliver their best. How do the company’s assess the person?

First of all if the academic record of a person is consistent, it speaks volumes about his consistency and perseverance. Next if the candidate is well-groomed it means he has self-love. A good eye contact indicates confidence, curiosity and nothing to hide attitude. Good communication skills point to the fact that self-improvement is a habit with the candidate.

Good body language is a great statement of your personality  because it is so intertwined with your conscience and subconscience that it can give away so much about you without you realizing it.

However it can be learnt like an art not to mislead others but to understand others for your own benefit.

Next right from the way you’ll knock at the door, to how you will  enter the room,  greet the interviewer, pull the chair and and settle in the chair will declare a lot about you as a person. 

It is the first time the interviewer is meeting you. Remember you are not only a resume you are an energy field which may not be visible but it is there and it is also called your vibes. Many a times the interviewer can sense a lot about your personality there and then.

Another important thing to remember during the interview is not how much you speak but how intently you listen and understand the question for your answers will show your perceptiveness which is of utmost importance, for a job rests upon cooperation and coordination among different personalities and agencies only those who have the skill rise the rungs of success in any given profession.

The way you use your language skill to answer each question as concisely yet substantiating your answers with data or examples without digressing from the facts is of utmost importance.

Finally remember if you are called for the interview you are a prospective candidate. Your resume has appealed to them, now it’s your turn to appeal to them. They are not hiring your school or college, they are hiring you and you are much more than your qualifications?

The interview is going to test you on accout of your aptitude and attitude. 

It is said interview skills can be acquired it doesn’t mean learning these skills to fool the interviewer but to enhance your own personality after all interview is like any other first meeting with anybody. We like some, we don’t like some. Our like and dislike has a lot to do with the latent personality of that person which comes across through their words, looks, manners and above all beliefs.

Acquiring interview skills is like doing a self-improvement course that will tweak your personality for better growth. Remember the interviewer wants to make you comfortable your duty is to remain comfortable, composed, alert and honest, these are the virtues required in any job.

blog, blogger, blogging, agatha christie, Sherlock Holmes, Chetan Bhagat, Robin sherma,Bruce Lipton, the secret,critique club,book club

Confined To A Genre 📚

Being confined to a genre is more common than the reading fraternity would like to admit.

My personal favorites were Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie with classics like ‘Pride and Prejidice’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ thrown in once in a while for good measure.

For decades I couldn’t pick up anything contemporary, regional or anything other than my favorites.

If I happened to start Chetan Bhagat, I would wonder, “Is this even  English? How did he even get published in the first place?”

I didn’t feel the effortless ease while reading Indian authors in English. It was like driving a very old car with jagged gears. It was  really easy to relinquish them totally and return to my comfort zone ie., Agatha Christie and Holmes.

Reading is not just for knowledge it is for companionship and I was most comfortable in their company.

Once in the library certain titles began to call me out. I guess I was at the threshold and crossover was just natural.

‘The Alchemist’ by Pablo Coelho ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ by Robin Sharma, ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Byrne, ‘The Biology Of Belief’ by Bruce Lipton and many more.

One friend led me to another and for the first time in my life I was among so many friends who cared for me enough to not only help me escape into a book but show me the way to the things I knew not.

It wasn’t really a crossover, only I had more comfort food in my pantry now.

Next I became part of a Critic Club where reading a story of the writer sitting in front of me in flesh and blood was a great high and then when I joined a Book Club which hosted and interviewed the new age Indian authors, sensitized me towards Indians writing in English. They were talking about the world as it is. It was not easy to shut them out, for they were saying what needed to be heard.

English began to appear not just as a borrowed language but a Universal medium unifying culture’s, communities and conscience.

blog, blogger, blogging, Universe, universal law, law of attraction, positive energy, present,future Uncategorized

Living In The Present

The best way to live is to live in the ‘Present Moment’.

Anyways do you have a choice? Everyone lives in the Present because there is no other away.

What living in the Present moment then means is that you consciously and ‘awarefully’ live in that moment.

Most of the people have their Present all chalked out. They have chores and duties that consume most of their day, be it students, professionals housewives, youngsters or elderly.

The important thing here is the way one engages with themselves, others and their tasks. For instance is one doing  ones duties like a punishment or celebration?

It is  the kind of energy one releases in ones moments that decides the consequences of those moments. If a person releases only negative energy in their Present moments whether those moments are busy or leisurely, only negative energy will surround them, for the Law of Universe says ‘like attracts like’.

Therefore without realizing one starts to manifest exactly what they don’t want around them. This can result in the innocents or babies around them, getting entangled in their field of negative energy.

The best present one can give oneself is to live in the Present moment and fill that moment with happiness and positivity, both are healthy fuels to energize the Present moments.

Which means, if work is to be done, do it without thinking of it as a punishment.

If you are lucky to have a lot of leisure time, don’t spend it bitching or shredding people and circumstances to pieces it will result in more such experiences.

What you do with your Present moments decide your Future.

This means that thinking and planning for the Future is also done in the Present moment.

If your Present moments are creating positive, vibrant and happy environment, you will give birth to a similar Future.

Living in the Present is sometimes misunderstood as opposed to planning for the Future.

If you don’t plan your Goal Posts in the Future, how will you run the race in the Present to reach the goal?

Life is a flow of Energy. One flows along with the Life Force. The major task in life should be to keep clearing and replenishing ones energy throughout the journey of life, which is a series of events,  people and experiences.

Future gives one the power to choose but the choice has to be made in the Present.

Wasting the Present moments in pondering about the Past, unless it is like ‘acres of gold’ and you can revisit your memories that give you pleaure, happiness and stability, otherwise revisiting the Past in the Present is both depressing and stagnating.

Therefore living in the Present happily, energetically, vibrantly and positively will empower you and surround you with a Life  Force that will help you reach the outcomes of your desire.

For Millenniums those who have understood this have changed their lives and the course of the world.

Presently the rapid changes that one is witnessing in the world is a declaration that many people instead of opposing the Universal Law of Attraction are making a sincere effort at understanding and incorporating It in all the aspects of their life and relationships.

For to live in the Present moment making it as wholesome as possible  is like wrapping a gift for your own wholesome Future.

blog, blogger, blogging, democracy,distribution of power, distribution of wealth, doctor,lawyer,soilders, IAS,ceo,employers, employment, Mukesh Ambani, innovation

Equal Distribution Of Wealth And Power

Equal distribution of wealth has been a utopian demand and in certain respects an unfair one too, for can there be equality between an employer and an employee?

While the former engages his efforts in building systems, incorporating teams to ensure smooth functioning and coordination among various aspects of business like finance, infrastructure, purchase, advertising, sales, taxes and other nitty-gritty of business, on the other hand an employee is engaged in one or few tasks for which he is hired and is responsible.

Besides certain professions require  almost a decade of dedication and consistent effort to become a professional.

If there was equal distribution of wealth, why would people spend their precious youth to acquire those skills? They do it because they know that eventually their dedication will bring them respect, appreciation wealth and a certain social standing.

A more thought-provoking question is ‘Wiser Distribution Of Power’.  An idea introduced by Priyanka Sharma. She  pointed out that Democracy gives both Rights and Duties to the citizens, however the majority is aware of their rights but ignorant of their duties which makes Democracy  lopsided and dysfunctional. This makes absolute sense for it is witnessed every day.

The question is how to bring about wiser distribution of power?

She presented a very innovative solution which resonates with me totally.

She said, “Why should everyone have one vote? Why this misplaced equality? Why shouldn’t the number of votes per person be according to their contribution to the society?”

This dynamite of an idea will  definitely take a few minutes for you to understand.

For instance a Doctor has the power to cast one vote, similarly a sweeper too has the power to cast one vote.

Mukesh Ambani has one vote and so has a beggar, which means a man who employs lakhs of people and a person who begs for food has the same power on the election day.

The soldier who works in −60° to protect the borders or combs the villages to flush out terrorists knowing that a bullet can come from any direction has one vote just as a terrorist.

A lawyer has one vote and so has a taxi driver. IAS officer whose decisions and suggestions will decide the course of a nation has one vote and so has a drug addict on a railway station. A housewife has one vote and so has a female CEO building companies employing thousands of people.

This is definitely unfair. Systems must be developed and evolved to make the electoral system the bedrock of democracy fairer and more solid for the true evolution of Mankind.

blog, blogger, blogging, 2024,mother's day, motherhood, parenthood,gift,daughter,son,treasure,self discoveries

Mother’s Day

One day in a year? I gave thousands and thousands of days to you.

I gave every ounce of my being and you gave me your ‘Trust’, your ‘Love’ and your ‘Respect’.

God made me mother and I make so many ‘Self Discoveries’ every day of my life.

I was just a regular carefree daughter and you turned me into a loving, responsible, caring and daring mother.

I discovered so much about myself and my hidden talents like cooking, cleaning, craft making, singing, teaching, driving, nursing, finance and above all confidence and self-control.

Bit by bit you my love turned me into master of all trades who could stand up for you like a lioness and I am glad I reared Lions, fearless and strong with gentle hearts.

The rewards of having spent my ‘Youth’ on you are so many,  your smile, your laughter, your hugs and your loving looks.

You remember all the little things that took a lot of effort.

Your every achievement is mine and your every happiness gladens my heart.

Now when you call from office or call to check on us I know you are thinking of me. We live in your fond heart.

Parenthood is the greatest treasure God gave us.

blog, blogger, blogging, 2024,beach,shore,sand,life,bliss kiss,bounty

Walking on the beach

Isn’t walking on the beach an expression of life?

As one feet sinks into the sand,  the other lifts up and shakes it off.

Doesn’t every step make you feel the moment, just as it is passing? It is a rare realization.

As I go closer to the shore, the Waves kiss my feet. A welcome kiss which makes me loose my balance slightly as the sand shifts under my feet, only I dig my toes deeper into the wet sand.

Even if I am just standing still, with each wave the sand shifts under my feet but it never ceases to reaccumulate as if magically.

It’s only when there is nothing to dig into, that one is scooped up and one is engulfed and gulps.

Surrender and savor the blissful bobbing for it will bear the bounty.

blog, blogger, blogging, 2024,fearlessness,fear,superstition,horizon,strength,blood pressure,thyroid,Suger,lifestyle, insecurities

Fearlessness Vs Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion which gnaws at you and while it is ‘partying’ on you it invites Blood Pressure, sugar, thyroid and it’s other mates. Together they can play havoc. 

Fear 😨 is tangible. And its bedfellows are Lies.  Lies have many feet, so they run away with your character and what are you sans character? Definitely very weak.

Fear and Lies not only beget insecurities and paranoia they are stunting for they allow self-doubt, superstitions, inhibitions and procrastination to settle in, leaving you a mere debris.

Just as there is Fear, there is it’s opposite Fearlessness. While Fear can grip you like a vice, Fearlessness can release you into freedom and wonder.

If something has got to be done just do it. Pondering can only pander to Fear, whether it is a relationship, occupation adventure, or pursuing a dream, enter it ,’with a twinkle in your eyes and a prayer on your lips’, for it is rightly said, ‘beyond  Fear awaits victory.

Once you leave behind Fear, you leave behind darkness and self-doubt.

Courage encourages you to embark towards a horizon adorned by a rainbow 🌈 of virtues that will take you from strength to strength.

One can’t wish away Fear, one  has to deal with it firmly to dissolve it completely. Fear and its shady mates appear to be strong but it is an illusion for they disappear when faced with a strong resolve to evolve.

Once we decide to be Fearless the wonder ✨️ is ours.

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How can I not feel it for them

How can I not feel for them?

I feel for them when I open my fridge,                                                 I see turnips, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflowers and 🥕 carrots smiling at me.

I smile back.

On the kitchen counter lies spinach, fenugreek leaves and mustard leaves,  🌰 onions, garlic, ginger, 🍅 tomatoes, along with them stands a bag of  🌽 corn flour and a can of clarified 🧈 butter.

I will turn these ingredients into a magical dish that is ‘sarso ka sag and makki ki roti’.

My mouth waters at just the thought.

But let me also spare a thought for those that make it possible for our pantries to be well stocked with beans, berries, lentils and all.

And  lets not forget our dinning tables lavishly spread with breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks.

The farms, the orchards, the dairies are the lifelines that toil against natural calamities.

Alas! They have to fight the man-made calamities and face It’s callousness.

Is it so hard to be grateful to the hand that feeds?

Is it so hard to give them a hand by lending them our voice?

Is it so hard to make them strong, for the work they do matters to each one of us all day long?

blog, blogger, blogging, words, Wordsworth, wordsmith, spiritualist, rumi,Socrates, Bill Gates,ambani,writer,philosopher,business, fashion Uncategorized

My Words Are Enough

Why are my words, feelings and ideas not enough?

Why must I quote someone from the past or present, be it a writer, philosopher, spiritualist, businessman or a politician to substantiate what I say or feel for people to take me seriously?

Why must Gandhi or Socrates stand guardian of my thoughts?

Why can’t they, I mean my beliefs stand alone? If they are weak then how can Rumi or Kabir suddenly fill them with wisdom?

The simplicity or complexity of my thoughts in my own words is mine.

If I want to share what is mine with the readers then why must I need to use the sentinels from the past or the living legends to lend worth to my words?

Why must I feel the need to use phrases like ‘Wordsworth said’ or ‘Emerson said’? No, I want to say, what I want to say, the way I want to say it.

I want to do away with the rule of the ostentatious academia who uses quotations at the drop of a hat probably to show that they are well 📚 read.

In my book well read is not a guarantee of wisdom. And invoking others to lend weight to what I want to say only proves dependency.

Rather it’s easy to wear borrowed clothes and walk the ramp. It is quite fashionable yet these fashionistas are not really original, are they.

Ingenuity doesn’t lie in reading ten articles on a subject and then writing one which is laden with borrowed quotations.

Originality is fresh and my ‘Tequilas’ are that breath of fresh air. Now you may well wonder what is ‘Tequilas’. Well, they are one-liners, written by me, into which I pour the essence and wisdom I learn from life itself.

However, had they been said by the greats’ of the yesteryears or the greats’ of today, these one liners would be called ‘quotable quotes’.

But because I am not Bill Gates or Ambani, my ‘Tequilas’ fall like drizzle in a desert but when this drizzle becomes a downpour it will have the power to turn the desert into a forest.

My friends, make your own Tequilas rather than getting high on other people’s quotes.

Believe me, we are all wordsmiths and our words have worth.

blog,blogger, blogging, 2024,looking,camouflage,reflection,dissolves, moments, industrial, chimneys, twinkling,trees,butterflies,flowers,drilling,natural,humanfood,

I Want To Be Human Once Again

I look, ‘It’s’ looking back.

Every moment ‘It’ is forming me, in ‘It’s’ own reflection.

It’s more than a camouflage, it’s like being made into ‘It’.

Everything I see, blends into me.

‘It’ dissolves into me, as I dissolve into it.

What I am looking at, is making me.

Moments into moments are moving into me. When I am moved so much by it, shouldn’t it be of my choice?

Industrial chimneys grilling, corporate crystal palaces chilling, traffic drying the senses, garbage piling at the peripheries of the cities.


Seemingly sanitized vertical cement jungles, twinkling by night and grey by day.

Turning into all the spilling, drilling grey is frightening.

My heart is sinking in this economic sway.

Traveling to-and-fro without the 💐 flowers, 🦋 butterflies or the 🌳 🌲 trees in my way.

Eating ‘foodlums’ preparations on the go.

Giving no respite to life as it flows.


Wean me away from this madness.

I want to live, truly live a natural life. Away from the common chilling wealth.

I want to be human once again.

blog, blogger, blogging, self Realization, religious, environment, educational institution,mind,seeds germinating

Self Realization

Without really realizing it, I believe we live many lives within one life.

I wonder if a philosopher king ever felt the way I feel or is it the philosopher in me?

There was a time when I was carrying a storm within me that was fed by the thoughts and knowledge handed down by the family, religion, educational institutions and environment.

However, now I seem to be carrying a seed in me that is germinating.

What is feeding it? I wonder! Is it the calm brought about by hours of silence only broken by my own voice in the Mind? .

This is my voice. Although ‘it has sound’ it sounds distinct because it is different.

It is me but me with a difference. Sometimes I don’t recognize my own thoughts. Is it that I can’t ‘mind my Mind’.

If my thoughts appear unfamiliar, imagine how I recognize myself in different dresses, hairstyles and make up.

Well, I also wonder what if there was no reflection how would we recognize ourselves?

I mean imagine if there was no mirror, glass, still water or camera that reflect our image back to us, we would never ever have known what we really looked like, unless we came up close, face-to-face and looked into another’s eyes to check ourselves.

We have so many other means now to recognize ourselves that we don’t feel the need to ‘go close’ or let anybody ‘come close’.

The fact is I am happy with my space and also my pace.

Besides why should anybody care about my journey it’s my journey after all.

I am a traveler, traveling through this life. I come across many other travelers, with some I travel longer than others.

The safest way to travel is to reflect back the behavior of others on to them.

This way a lot of baggage which was garbage anyway will start shedding away and along the way you will find the real ones worth coming close to.

Since I am not expecting any awards or rewards life becomes a more level playing field which allows me to play all the roles more comfortably.

blog, blogger, blogging, officer like qualities,effective intelligence, reasoning ability, organizational skills, cooperation,initiative,confidence,Decisive,influencer,determination, courage, stamina

Officer Like Qualities

There are 15 Officer like qualities.

Let us discuss all of them in detail.

1. Effective Intelligence

This means one has the ability to find solutions for day-to-day problems.

2. Reasoning Ability

This means one looks at a problem maturely, rationally, logically and practically.

3. Good Organization Skills

This means one uses resources at one’s command to produce effective results.

4. Being Articulate

This means one has the ability to express ones views clearly.

5. Adaptability

This means one understands and adjusts to people and groups easily.

6. Being Cooperative

This means one is able to fulfill group aims and objectives.

7. Being Responsible

This means understanding and fulfilling one’s duties and social obligations.

8. Taking Initiative

This means always taking thoughtful action in the right direction.

9. Self-confidence

This means one has the faith in one’s abilities to overcome stressful and unfamiliar situations.

10. Being Decisive

This means taking quick, appropriate and workable decisions.

11. Influencing

This means convincing individuals and groups to achieve the objectives and tasks.

12. Being Lively

This means remaining cheerful and in control in difficult situations.

13. Determination

This means being focused on one’s objectives and work continuously to achieve them.

14. Courage

This means that one has the courage to take necessary risks for a purpose after deliberation.

15. Stamina

This means one has mental and physical strength and endurance to fulfill their objectives.

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blog, blogger, blogging, sam Bahadur,army,creation of Bangladesh,insurgency in North East, Accession of Kashmir,manekshaw

Sam Bahadur

A lesson in how to make a life

📸 Look at this post on Facebook

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blog, blogger, blogging, teacher, spark, ignited


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blog, blogger, blogging, myself, mine,contours, world, body,acquaintance, recognize,,vehicle,mirror, senses,reaction,shadows,vigilante,performance,perform,life,feeling,sadness,guilt,sloth,avarice, res


Of ‘Myself’ – ‘My’ is mine, the ‘Self’ is also all that is mine.

Surely mine is not the same as I?


Who am I?

I know who you are.

I make it a point to know about you.

But I make very little effort to know me.

Guess I don’t feel the need for it.

This world 🌎 and everything in it that has contours, and that needs to be known, I make it a point to know.

Like, I know my body but that’s not me!

‘Life’ that vibrates in me and reverberates through the World, I know, only in passing, like an acquaintance that I may not recognize if I was in another body.

All my life, I have been trying to maintain and adorn the vehicle, not what or who drove it.

Mirror, mirror on the wall can you really tell us apart?

The mirror doesn’t miss much, but it can’t reflect the senses, for the senses are not shadows.

Yes, it can catch reactions of the senses, but it doesn’t catch who I am!

Unless I am Senses.

For when they fade away, I fade away too.


My Senses slow down and so does my body.

Yet I am ever the vigilante, though not towering over or swift of step.

Who am I?

Come to this body to perform, but gets caught up in the performance and miss the point?

I believed being ‘involved’ was life.

Being all inclusive became an invasion.

I became exclusively left behind and became mute and helpless observer hidden from everyone, even from ‘myself’.

What happened to the observations?

Ignored, they probably sat huddled together in me here and there, like sadness, guilt, anger, sloth and avarice.

Who am I?

Am I a ‘feeling’?

Trickling and trembling yet resembling a ‘Thought’?

Did I think myself into being?

Then why am I not ‘close’ but ‘closed’ to myself?

Born out of chaos, living through confusion, lost under a lifetime of clutter.

How will I find the ‘I’?

blog,blogger, blogging, thank you, grateful, Universe,organization,institution,parents, siblings, friends

How Hard Is It For You To Say Thank You

How hard is it, for you to say thank you to your Parents, who spent their youth on you and encourage you to put goal posts into the future?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Siblings with whom you share emotions that you dare not admit?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Spouse for sharing life experiences and above all wanting to be with you more than their freedom?

How hard is it to say thank you to your Children for turning you into teachers, protectors, planners, advisers, organizers, cooks and cleaners?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Friends who stay because of who you are rather than who you are expected to be.

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Teachers and Gurus for sculpting your personality and intellect?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Institutions or Organizations that give you a chance to make so many self discoveries?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to your Country that gives you so many rights but so few duties?

How hard is it for you to say thank you to the Universe for letting you be consciously part of something bigger than yourself?

It’s easy to say thank you 😊 it only needs a grateful heart.

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Online Mariages








Tiny Tales


Tiny Tales


blog, blogger, blogging, me,you,dime, dollar, valleys, peaks

Knowing Me Knowing You

I have been to the valleys and peaks.

I have been to the oceans to seek.

One thing I am sure that You are everywhere.

Yet this wrenching feeling that I am all alone.

Must I count on You for every dime and dollar?

For haven’t you ‘born me out’ to live life as a scout?

Yet there is a baby in me that says You hold my hand and lead me to ‘where I can’.


Wipe Off

If I could wipe, I would wipe the whole thing clean.

Nothing has been true to me.

No word, no promise, no dear no deity.

I will be true onto me.

Enmeshed I have lain in wait.

I needn’t wait for more and more of the same.

Oh beautiful world! Alas I don’t have the means to bear your beauty!

I want to move within eternal peace, the free – free peace, where all is wiped and clean.

blog,blogger, blogging, waiting, wait,peace,calm,bequeath,thoughts,meaninglimbo,silence

The Waiting


The senseless, impregnated, silent wait.

Neither only today nor only tomorrow!

Time stretches like an endless white sheet in a vacuum with no beginning and no end.

I wish it would give a sense of calm but it makes everything even the silence more silent and calm more calm.

Limbo is more limbo and yet my thoughts are not at rest.

Peace alusive peace, why thou alludes me.

Take shelter thou within me, pervade through me, permeate this life and bequeath meaning to it.

2020 blog,blogger, blogging, monologue, trees,earth,wings,fly,nature,music,moments,world, Uncategorized


Are you willing to give up all this? I asked myself and stared at the 🌳 🌲 trees. They seemed to adorn my 🌎 world, the subtle chirping seemed to be the nature’s new music just for me. Then why the nagging noise, reclining in the depths of my Mind? Why the darkness in the Mind, the heart, the lips? Like an ⚓anchor it pulls me down. I need wings to fly from this tiring fight. Perhaps if I could recall my Source! Is this after all struggle for the Source? The journey is important isn’t? Each lived moment is the answer, but each moment’s essence is lost in living it. Why? This beautiful world and I with all my senses benign, this sensuous world to enjoy. And the senses, when, one by one, they disappear. The world passes away and the other embraces. So why fear? Bury the tears. Maybe the new thoughts will bloom without fear.

blog,blogger, blogging, sun,earth,sky,revolution,smile,forgiving

The Sun

Lovely rosy smile spread on the sky, just as all began to wake. Out of dreamy dreary slumber rose nature and its yoke, to live through another round of the Earth. Each one with the same number of moments, one can live them, in the manner that one wants. But not all do as well as they can. He saw the wastage of the man, by midday the 🌞 sunny smile turned into an angry sight and fell on the sky, turning it white, heavier than the sky could hold, it fell and scorched the mighty Earth. The Earth then cried, “It’s their fault, not mine.” The Sun replied, “They are of you.” “I am of you,” the Earth cried. Gradually the scorching Sun, became shy and began to dip its glance far and wide. A blush appeared in the Sky, the Sun had sunk but for the night. The forgiving Sun appeared and rose again and all over through the very same.

blog,blogger, blogging, love,poem,essence,summer,divine


Purest essence of Love I saw, Sweetest fragrance of a flower, trickling, trembling, yet reassembling a thought divine in a dream I saw.

No Summer over the body, no Monsoon in the eyes.

It was alive, it was alive. It settled in me eternally.

2023,Blog,Blogger,Blogging,writer,write,publish,novel,characters, themes,plot,style,muse,awake

Why can’t I write

I wonder! I just wonder how writers churn out one novel after another!

I want to write. My mind is crowded with characters but they keep floating aimlessly in the realms of my Mind.

They don’t seem to come out in any formal committed way.

Although my life afforded mobility and that mobility afforded interaction with the numerable people and yet my Mind cannot craft them into characters that breathe and eternally live through words.

It is painful, my very inability to pen these characters. The very incompetence in creating a world where they can weave into themes that I believe in or my world cares for.

I remember as a student of literature it was so easy to shred a great work into major and minor characters and themes, while nitpicking at the plots and style.

How difficult it is to assemble major and minor characters, gel them into themes and settle them into a plot, while keeping the societal pulse ticking right into the ear of the reader!

When will I use this treasure of my life which I earned with great love and toil, that is my love for English culminate into a fruitful begetting!

Waiting for the mighty beginning! Muse, my Muse awake, awake!



We are spinning in the Universe. Flowing through time.

Under the illusion that we are holding this moment, till it lets go of us.

We get this life and the living that we do too.

The only thing I can hold on to in this seemingly stable whirlpool are my prayers.

Everyone and everything is in a flux, ebbing on a course that the current takes me on.

Fervent yet gentle prayers affix me to the Universe.

Lo and behold I’m connected!


On The Beach

Isn’t 🚶‍♀️ walking on the ⛱ beach an expression of life?

As each feet sinks into the sand, while the other lifts up and shakes off the sand.

Every step makes you ‘feel’ the moment, as it is passing.

As I go closer to the shore, the waves gently kiss my feet.

As the sand shifts under my feet, I loose my balance, only to dig my toes deeper into the wet sand.

Even if I am standing still, with each wave the sand shifts under my feet but never ceases to re- accumulate, as if magically.

I wonder 🤔 whether like a grain of sand, is any moment ever really lost?

blog,blogger, blogging,2023,house,home,family,soul,compassion,cooperation,satellite,respect Uncategorized

Turn House Into A 🏡 Home

It takes a lot to make a house into a home. It’s the synchronization of the tangible and the intangible alike.

Because home is where the heart is, how many hearts beat to what rhythm is important, for is it a mestro’s orchestra or a cacophony?

Are there joint goals, common vision or is everyone on their own trip? Do respect, compassion, love and generosity abide there or competition, jealousy, back biting, domination and manipulation rules the roost?

Apart from the insubstantial substance required to turn the house into a home the substantial matters equally.

It matters that the home is people friendly, that is has comforts for all, along with joint spaces and private places for each member so that one is neither stepping on each other’s toes nor on egos.

Home is where one learns to care and share with one another. A woman is called a homemaker but a home is not made by just a mother or a wife who revolves around the family like a satellite and the entire family starts to believe that these women have no light of their own.

Remember the realization that they revolve around you only because they love you and like being around you will go a long way in evolving the aura of the family.

If the realization above leads to everyone contributing in daily household chores the affection and admiration that is borne out of shared living will adorn not only the home but also the faces of all the family members.

Set ‘conditions’ for everybody to follow to instill finer aspects like discipline, rules and respect and then follow them ‘unconditionally’ and magically a house turns into a home🏡 by the collective effort of all the family.

Like every person has a Soul, every house also has a Soul. Souls in harmony live in a harmonious home.