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Living In The Present

The best way to live is to live in the ‘Present Moment’.

Anyways do you have a choice? Everyone lives in the Present because there is no other away.

What living in the Present moment then means is that you consciously and ‘awarefully’ live in that moment.

Most of the people have their Present all chalked out. They have chores and duties that consume most of their day, be it students, professionals housewives, youngsters or elderly.

The important thing here is the way one engages with themselves, others and their tasks. For instance is one doing  ones duties like a punishment or celebration?

It is  the kind of energy one releases in ones moments that decides the consequences of those moments. If a person releases only negative energy in their Present moments whether those moments are busy or leisurely, only negative energy will surround them, for the Law of Universe says ‘like attracts like’.

Therefore without realizing one starts to manifest exactly what they don’t want around them. This can result in the innocents or babies around them, getting entangled in their field of negative energy.

The best present one can give oneself is to live in the Present moment and fill that moment with happiness and positivity, both are healthy fuels to energize the Present moments.

Which means, if work is to be done, do it without thinking of it as a punishment.

If you are lucky to have a lot of leisure time, don’t spend it bitching or shredding people and circumstances to pieces it will result in more such experiences.

What you do with your Present moments decide your Future.

This means that thinking and planning for the Future is also done in the Present moment.

If your Present moments are creating positive, vibrant and happy environment, you will give birth to a similar Future.

Living in the Present is sometimes misunderstood as opposed to planning for the Future.

If you don’t plan your Goal Posts in the Future, how will you run the race in the Present to reach the goal?

Life is a flow of Energy. One flows along with the Life Force. The major task in life should be to keep clearing and replenishing ones energy throughout the journey of life, which is a series of events,  people and experiences.

Future gives one the power to choose but the choice has to be made in the Present.

Wasting the Present moments in pondering about the Past, unless it is like ‘acres of gold’ and you can revisit your memories that give you pleaure, happiness and stability, otherwise revisiting the Past in the Present is both depressing and stagnating.

Therefore living in the Present happily, energetically, vibrantly and positively will empower you and surround you with a Life  Force that will help you reach the outcomes of your desire.

For Millenniums those who have understood this have changed their lives and the course of the world.

Presently the rapid changes that one is witnessing in the world is a declaration that many people instead of opposing the Universal Law of Attraction are making a sincere effort at understanding and incorporating It in all the aspects of their life and relationships.

For to live in the Present moment making it as wholesome as possible  is like wrapping a gift for your own wholesome Future.

By alkasharma

This blog is my space in the Universe. I can do whatever I want with it.

The question is why would anybody read my blog?
Why do I believe that I have something valuable to offer to the strangers that visit my Blog.

Am I super successful that I can offer them strategies to succeed?

Am I in absolute peace with myself that I can preach them to be at peace with themselves?

Am I self-disciplined, Divinely Spiritual, truly Religious, worldly wise and virtuous that others can observe and absorb all this from me?

Or am I an ideal daughter, sister, wife, mother, teacher, friend, colleague or companion that I can teach them a thing or two?

Well, I am none of the above and yet here I am breathing through my Blog. Every word that I breathe out will breathe into you. This organic osmosis is a great responsibility. I honor the space I am given and will use it as my own. I will share the space to share the slices of wisdom I have gathered, over the decades I have left behind.

Some slices will be sweet, some sour and some spicy, some will sieve into you like soup, some will stir your soul, some may stay with you and from some you may walk away.

I welcome you to ‘The Whisperings of my Soul’.

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